After covering several hundred releases in 2022, many notables—including links to their respective Igloo reviews or release pages—are cataloged here. As usual, there are no winners or runners-up as the lists are alphabetized by artist and selected tracks are featured on our Soundcloud playlist.
Tag: Ivan Shopov
Valance Drakes & Ivan Shopov :: A Picture in Motion Through Eternity (Sound In Picture)
A baffling sonic foray into expansive audiovisual snapshots and beautifully disjointed spheres.
Tomoroh Hidari :: The Reinterpretation of Dreams (小さな夢達 remixed) (Mahorka)
“A world appears, held together by the threads woven into the fabric of the original tracks, but expanded into a multi-faceted sonic cosmos, a wider world for the original narrow story to expand into.” ~ Tomoroh Hidari
V/A :: 10 Years 2010—2020 (Abstrakt Reflections)
From broken ambient segues to articulated glitch manifests and sound design extrusions that chip away at its blips’n bleeps core, 10 Years is a far-reaching […]
Valance Drakes :: Not Taking This Gratitude For Granted EP (Abstrakt Reflections)
What’s at the core of this EP is that Valance Drakes allows the listener to explore the unknown, to imagine another dimension of sound, and […]
Ivan Shopov & Valance Drakes :: Unearthing Buried Chapters (Amek)
A carefully networked collection of sculpted organic electronics with a heartbeat. Ivan Shopov recently did a split with Monolog (Veracity EP, Subtrakt 2018), described as […]
In Rotation :: Multi-view (April 2018)
In rotation for the past several weeks, this multi-view reveals the latest sonic landscape from 20 talented musicians. Plenty of brittle, glitch, abstract, noisy, mechanical […]
Ivan Shopov & Monolog :: Veracity EP (Subtrakt)
The careful trajectory of beats, bass, and slow-moving distortion keeps this EP in a surreal state of fluctuating beauty. Emulsified electronic debris, mutating, slow motion […]
Ariadne’s Labyrinth :: Lost And Founded EP (Detroit Underground)
Lost And Founded is a mixed assortment, one that balances rapidly rotating pulsars with classical drum’n bass techno. Somewhere in a dense field of high-grade electronics […]