Tomoroh Hidari :: The Reinterpretation of Dreams (小さな夢達 remixed) (Mahorka)

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“A world appears, held together by the threads woven into the fabric of the original tracks, but expanded into a multi-faceted sonic cosmos, a wider world for the original narrow story to expand into.” ~ Tomoroh Hidari

Packed to the edges with effortless and skittering electronics

Released in July 2021, this one almost slipped through the cracks somehow and deserves a nod for keeping the listener engaged with reinterpretations of Tomoroh Hidari’s fantastic 小さな夢達 – Small Dreams release (Mahorka, 2020) described as “little vignettes, dealing with Zen and Samurai philosophy.” Here we get 10 reinterpretations and one original by Tomoroh Hidari, simply packed to the edges with effortless and skittering electronics.

Take the opening “Owl-Stretching Time (Captive Portal Remix)” and its fleeting, brisk, and fast-paced glitch’n bass groove to get your heartbeat elevated as Machinefabriek remixes the same track with a laid-back, downtempo, and hip-hop infusion from left field—an absolute classic. Tim Koch’s delicately evolving remix of “空” is a flowing lullaby of tiny bells and meandering ambient lava flows while Konejo takes the same track into cinematic and ethereal realms beyond our wildest imagination. Elsewhere you’ll find thudding beat patches and glowing rhythms ebb and flow on Flint Glass’ remix of “秋,” a beautifully executed slice of life venturing through instrumental data bursts. Each remix is its own entity and we won’t venture any further except to say that you should have this in your collection if not for its vast accretion of distinctive electronics and dizzying sonic tentacles—Ivan Shopov, Raven Musen, Tokee, Brainquake, and The Ghost also offer their own astounding textures worth noting.

Tomoroh Hidari closes off the proceedings with a tumultuous dark-ambient sojourn with “The Clear Sound Of Jewels,” a spectacularly eerie snapshot of the artist’s dreamscape skillset—venturing into scattered and trampled audio terrain like a fine sculptor.

The Reinterpretation of Dreams (小さな夢達 remixed) is available on Mahorka. [Bandcamp]

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