Mist is a captivating journey through a kaleidoscope of abstract electronic realms, where every twist and turn pulses with raw emotion and sonic daring. Unbound by convention, it moves relentlessly forward, immersing the listener in a world of continuous, unyielding sound exploration.
Tag: Dub
Lars Hemmerling :: Dark Woods EP (Mindwaves Music / G.DUBS — Exclusive stream!
Dark Woods is an explosive burst of dub-infused electronics that feels both intense and fleeting, barely giving you enough time to catch your breath before it wraps up.
Teleself :: Eternal Game EP (Appendix.files)
A brief, quietly impacting EP with a heartbeat that makes us feel at ease on these chilly winter days.
Golden Fangs :: Take Two Stones (Concrete Collage)
Golden Fangs’ music is an intricate and dense blend of musical styles like industrial, noise rock, dub, and trip hop that’s both addictive and delectable.
Drummachinemike :: A Quiet Death (Self-Released)
A Quiet Death is a robust and dark rumbling glitch assembly despite primarily using synthetic and staccato drum segments. The tracks are highly palatable and shift into a variety of structures and genres, pushing the album into rugged terrain, making it highly recommended.
Monotone :: Call Your Friends EP (Mindwaves Music / G.DUBS)
a sonic locomotive that gathers speed while piercing through dense fog in the mid of night—showcasing a powerful set of moody abstracts and massive reverberation.
Reverb Delay :: The Storm Has Passed (Mighty Force)
These spherical, dub-heavy, technoid soundscapes engulf everything in their path, slowly progressing down various ridges, valleys, and depressions along sloping terrain. Walking through surrounding fog, the throbbing beats and atmospheric textures hypnotize our senses.
V/A :: Future Transmissions: Meat Beat Manifesto — Remix Series (eMERGENCY heARTS)
More than just a stopgap to chew on while awaiting a new studio album, Future Transmissions stands as an absorbing compilation that perfectly showcases how the band sounds today, proving beyond doubt that it has definitely not lost its special touch.
2View :: Sounding Boards — Skytree, Zachary Gray
There’s red line, thin, but distinct, between different kinds of sounding—between soundalike and sound like, resemblance and redolence, imitation and influence; thus, though sometimes end products may sound similar, in essence they differ crucially.