Tag: Minimal

Damián Anache :: Lento, en un jardín lenticular (Inkilino)

Anache plays a lot with each sound he introduces, and instead of​ striving for some insane out-of-this world timbres like you may​ sometimes hear in guitar-driven electroacoustics, he focuses more on building with the more subtle tones he’s creating. Layering and​ constant variation make this a worthwhile LP for fans of atonal​ electronic music.

bvdub :: 13 (Past Inside the Present)

The emotional resonances of this album would seem to be marred by writing a review that cannot, by its very nature, encompass the fluxing changes of musical flow and depth captured on 13. Just listen to it and be swept into a world that’s always changing, fates of people and nations rising and falling. This is something we should be unconcerned about, and instead offer our trust, care and love back to the world.

Dött Ljus :: Bottna (Slowcraft)

A successful and continuously pleasant album that pushes the senses with its serene atmosphere. Imagine an impossible meeting between Farben, Thomas Brinkmann, Purl, Mind over MIDI, Mike Slott, and Malmö; but also with an avenue to experiment within a handful of bright, flourishing and drifting ideas.