Followers of sonic miniatures and impressionist contemplative ambient escapism from Lee Hannah, The Green Kingdom, Omni Garden, Yoshimura, and noda yûki should take note. Minimal […]
Tag: Minimal
Softlock :: Second Wind EP (Perimeter Junk)
The duo seamlessly navigate complex coordinates of technique and technology, art and skill—weaving them into their own distinctive aural fabric.
Francis Gri :: Svanire (Self Released)
Svanire is a delicate atmospheric album, a quite recommended experience for those who cultivate this taste of Zen in their own existence; a musical window to restore the soul with delicate harmonies. Sound therapy of bitter sweet melancholia to enlighten the heart.
Henrik Meierkord :: MÖRK (Audiobulb)
MÖRK—which means darkness in Swedish—is a vertiginous and spiritually enthralling dive in deep bass cello tones, minimally improvised guitar sequences, long sweeping electronic sounds, and hypnotic loops.
Druk Monet :: Something Foul EP (Glitchpulse)
Druk Monet, as a result, offers an unusual audible assortment—nothing particularly foul—that’s equal parts mechanical and organic, and all the while fascinating.
mHz :: Material Prosody (Room40)
The result is captivating, thoughtful, emotive, strange, and navigating through cerebral sound waves, smooth atmospherics, moody-esque sculpted improvisations to radical rhythmically-orientated and almost glitch-like experimentations.
Bernhard Living :: From Here to There (Self Released)
One of the many experimental three-track records from Bernhard Living, From Here to There is yet another exploration of tonality and thought.
Ümlaut :: The Black Square (Self Released)
These memory-recordings expose the complex relationship between music and silence. They say that the ambient umbrella constantly expands the notions of what music might be. The Black Square could be wordless new ear poetry for the constant listener. I think that The Black Square might be a series of sound situations that flow and change as they go.
Japanese ambient music :: Minimal environment and zen-inspired sonic sculptures
Through multiple evolutions along decades, with a refined combination of harmonies, a deep sense of space, a phenomenology of time and bright sonic manipulations based on acoustic timbres, Japanese artists invite the listener to enlightened and intuitive inner promenades.