Druk Monet :: Something Foul EP (Glitchpulse)

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Druk Monet, as a result, offers an unusual audible assortment—nothing particularly foul—that’s equal parts mechanical and organic, and all the while fascinating.

Something Foul, a half-dozen tracks of micro-electronic fissures and brief time-frames, contains an endless quantity of field recordings and glitch strands, produced to Sydney-based sound designer Druk Monet. The EP turns into a sweeping series of flickering visual-audio snapshots, reminiscent of early B. Fleischmann or Plod compositions with tangibly sweet blips and bleeps (see “Dusken Walkers”) and tiny synthesizer tweets (is that a Sparrow we hear?), as heard on opener “Through the Tumbler.”

The ethereal realms of “Under the Trance of Neon Tracers” and “2poreforeModular” display fading signals, while “Blackhole in My Teacup” is welcomed cascade of vintage soundscapes. Perhaps the most esoteric piece of the lot, “Feed the Pigeons” bookends Something Foul with scattered beat patches and disjointed sound effects in full experimental mode. Druk Monet, as a result, offers an unusual audible assortment—nothing particularly foul—that’s equal parts mechanical and organic, and all the while fascinating.

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