The emotional resonances of this album would seem to be marred by writing a review that cannot, by its very nature, encompass the fluxing changes of musical flow and depth captured on 13. Just listen to it and be swept into a world that’s always changing, fates of people and nations rising and falling. This is something we should be unconcerned about, and instead offer our trust, care and love back to the world.
A human connection
The album is a meditation on the thirteenth chapter of the Tao Te Ching “which promotes humility and freedom from desire as the core elements of a peaceful existence.” Whatever I might have to say about it is rather unimportant. Those of us who have come to love the music of bvdub know that, once you get swept up in it, it’s hard to turn away. There is a human connection that occurs between the listener and the artist on these albums. I can’t say that of a lot of electronic music, which there is more and more of, every day. Too much to keep up with. Too much to listen to. When a musician comes along who pulls at your heart strings and helps you touch the world just as it falls away, at least for me, it makes me want to keep coming back. To keep up, even to a small degree, to what they are up to. To listen in, take note.
The emotional resonances of this album would seem to be marred by writing a review that cannot, by its very nature, encompass the fluxing changes of musical flow and depth captured on 13. Just listen to it and be swept into a world that’s always changing, fates of people and nations rising and falling. This is something we should be unconcerned about, and instead offer our trust, care and love back to the world.
I am reminded of this passage recently read in Ursula K. Leguin’s novel The Dispossessed just when the main character Shevek is about to go on a journey to another world. “You shall not go down twice to the same river, nor can you go home again. That he knew; indeed it was the basis of his view of the world. Yet from that acceptance of transience he evolved his vast theory, wherein what is most changeable is shown to be fullest of eternity, and your relationship to the river, and the river’s relationship to you and to itself, turns out to be at once more complex and more reassuring than a mere lack of identity. You can go home again, the General Temporal Theory asserts, so long as you understand that home is a place where you have never been.”
These words shouldn’t come as a surprise, because Le Guin was no slouch when it came to her study of the Way. Her endeavors and fifty years of study gifted us with her own translation, along with all her poetry, novels, and essays.
For the past year or so I’ve been working with and studying the I Ching, The Oracle in Benebell Wen’s great new translation. The ever changing lines of the hexagrams has been a source of great guidance over this time. I’ve long been interested in the ways the I Ching has been used by composers like John Cage and Joseph Matthias Hauer as a means of creating music through divination. In looking at chapter 13 of the Tao Te Ching I was reminded of the way the later industrial musician, drummer extraordinaire and cabalist Z’ev created permutative poems using the Psalms as a basis.
“Go down to the river, but when you listen again, it won’t sound the same.”
So, inspired by bvdub’s musical look at a single chapter of one of the world’s great sacred scriptures, and the memory of Z’ev and his gifts to the world of culture, it seemed more relevant to me, to take the words from this chapter and see how they might be changed and permutated, turned into a poem with thirteen variations rather than write a regular review. Writing this was a way to meditate on the meaning of the chapter, just as it seems making this album was a way to go deep into it for bvdub. Go down to the river, but when you listen again, it won’t sound the same.
Accept being unimportant.
Do not be concerned with loss and gain.
Surrender yourself humbly; then you can be trusted to care for all things.
Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things.
Thirteen permutations on the Thirteenth Chapter of the Tao Te Ching for Brock Van Wey ::
Accept loss and gain.
Do not be concerned with being important.
Love the world humbly.
Trust the world as your own self.
Truly for all things; you can be cared for.
Surrender love.
Do not be concerned with being cared for.
The world humbles yourself through loss and gain.
Trust that you can be unimportant.
Concerned with self-loss
gain the world with love.
Surrender being, unimportant.
Humbly accept your own trusted self
All things cared for.
All things for love.
All things for trust.
Surrender the world to love.
Care for the world humbly
Care for your own self.
Gain, loss, unimportant.
Do not be concerned.
Accept love.
Humbly surrender.
Do not be concerned with yourself.
Then you can be trusted with loss and gain.
The world cares for all things.
You can truly be unimportant.
Trusted then as your own self.
Do things concerned for love.
Self, a truly humble being.
Your loss and gain, unimportant.
Surrender trust.
Accept being cared for,
then you can truly care for all things.
Accept loss.
Surrender gain.
For all things love the world.
Do not be concerned.
Humbly, truly you can care for all things
if unimportant.
Trusted surrender.
Accept gain.
Love lost.
For all things concerned.
Your own self cared for the world,
all things humbly cared for.
To care for your own and gain surrender
accept being humbled.
To care for you, love the world.
Do not be concerned with your own self.
Gain trust, lose care.
Concerned with loss and gain
You cannot be trusted
To care for the humbly unimportant.
Surrender self.
Accept love.
Be the love you accept.
Surrender all things, being unimportant.
Do not be concerned with the world.
Self loss, self gain.
Care humbly, trust it, truly.
With loss and gain surrender yourself
humbly then for all things trusted.
Love accepted the world,
cared for all things humbly.
Self being unimportant.
To love the world
Surrender concern with yourself
Humbly gain acceptance
Trusted to be for all things
as your own self.
13 is available on Past Inside the Present. [Bandcamp]