The fluid, unhurried march of time—where each second blends seamlessly into the next, constantly shifting and evolving—creates the perfect backdrop for albums like Functional Gloss by Buffalo’s Matt Donatelli, under his Survey Channel project.
Tag: Ambient Electronic
AeTopus :: iota (Spotted Peccary Music)
iota was created to be received on several levels, both conceptually and sonically. Various instruments and features of the mix represent spatial locations in an imaginary landscape: ground, horizon, and sky, for example. Experienced in a good listening environment, the listener will imagine distance, elevation, and perhaps even time.
bvdub :: 13 (Past Inside the Present)
The emotional resonances of this album would seem to be marred by writing a review that cannot, by its very nature, encompass the fluxing changes of musical flow and depth captured on 13. Just listen to it and be swept into a world that’s always changing, fates of people and nations rising and falling. This is something we should be unconcerned about, and instead offer our trust, care and love back to the world.
Single Cell Orchestra :: A.M. (Self Released)
An immersive ambient electronic album that captures emotional complexity with unflinching honesty, and comes highly recommended.
Dreamfish :: 90s Classic Resurfaces
Deep, shimmering, imbued with hope and tranquility, but also a certain darkness of the deep preventing any tilt into New Age excess, it mixes several ambient stylings to sonicize various aquatic states and movements.
Teleself :: Eternal Game EP (Appendix.files)
A brief, quietly impacting EP with a heartbeat that makes us feel at ease on these chilly winter days.
Orghanon :: Future in Motion (Mahorka)
Orghanon (real name Sergio Calzoni; also known by the aliases Act Noir, Colloquio, and ILUITEQ) drifts to the outermost margins, fine-tuning soundscape layers into exploratory listening environments, while downtempo and glitch extrusions build suspensefully.
Deborah Martin & Cheryl Gallagher :: TIBET (20th Anniversary Remaster) (Spotted Peccary Music)
Deborah Martin & Cheryl Gallagher’s hope is that these musical impressions will take you, the listener, on the same imaginative and magical journey to Tibet that they experienced.
mHz :: Material Prosody (Room40)
The result is captivating, thoughtful, emotive, strange, and navigating through cerebral sound waves, smooth atmospherics, moody-esque sculpted improvisations to radical rhythmically-orientated and almost glitch-like experimentations.