Dracones is a raw, powerful collection of compositions, pulsing with intensity and depth. It’s not a journey for the faint of heart, but for those drawn to music that is both dark and hauntingly beautiful, it strikes a deep, resonant chord.
Author: Thomas Park
Earthen Sea :: Recollection (Kranky)
Combining calming dub, shoegaze (shoegauze), and sinuous psychedelic/guitar inflections, Recollection delivers an emblematic return to some familiar sounds, easily pulling in fans of these genres, and others besides.
Ghostwoods :: Neon Remixed EP (4000 Records)
Listening to Ghostwoods’ Neon Remixed, out on 4000 Records, is a sweet diversion. Each remix is unique to the others, and each is thoughtfully assembled.
Otero Vargas :: Last Drives (Facade Electronics)
Overall, Last Drives is an intriguing, ominous voyage through sounds and moods. Each piece maintains momentum and is unquestionably worth the time to absorb, and perhaps return to time and time again.
Orbital Patterns :: Extended Impostor Syndrome (Artificial Owl Recordings)
The meditative quality of Extended Imposter Syndrome effectively adds a human touch to a collection of static-filled background noises and ultimately is a terrific way to lift your spirits.
Drummachinemike :: A Quiet Death (Self-Released)
A Quiet Death is a robust and dark rumbling glitch assembly despite primarily using synthetic and staccato drum segments. The tracks are highly palatable and shift into a variety of structures and genres, pushing the album into rugged terrain, making it highly recommended.
Parallel Worlds :: Impressions (Móatún 7)
Parallel Worlds’ Impressions is another high-caliber album that is definitely worth listening to with its tendency toward darker tones and cinematic caliber.
ARC :: Chronicle (DiN)
Chronicle contains aspects of industrial, techno, and ambient genres; with due sophistication, it meshes well with music from an earlier era.
Ard Bit :: Field Recordings – 05 Bohemia (Self Released)
The complete pieces are reconstructed settings from a human perspective. In them, you can hear subtle changes, and arguably some development. The album is mainly atmospheric, communicating a wide and subtle range of gloomy impressions and moods.