Ivan Shopov & Monolog :: Veracity EP (Subtrakt)

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The careful trajectory of beats, bass, and slow-moving distortion keeps this EP in a surreal state of fluctuating beauty.

Emulsified electronic debris, mutating, slow motion glitch, and bass infested mayhem all seem to roll by at a slow pace on the Veracity, a joint effort EP between Ivan Shopov and Monolog. Shape-shifting ambient nodes are stretched to their limits exhibiting nothing but a wash of undulating turbulence, and tranquilized noise. These scraped sounds are engulfing—eerie effects, soundtrack driven landscapes, eroded field recordings, and scorched machines leave nothing but shards in its path. There are such low rumbling moods that it’s difficult not to get lost in the abandoned corridors. Muffled electronic maneuvering at its finest, these two musicians deliver transmissions from an unknown galaxy. The careful trajectory of beats, bass, and slow-moving distortion keeps this EP in a surreal state of fluctuating beauty. Fans of Loess, Einoma, and darker strains of Deru should take note.

Veracity is available on Subtrakt.

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