4T Thieves :: Wayfield Asylum EP (Kahvi)

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Wayfield Asylum is quite simply a delicately crafted ambient electronic borough that emits a persistent ebb and flow meant for far away places.

Getting right into the heart of this extended player, 4T Thieves’ (aka Kahvi operator) continues to baffle and bewilder the mind’s eye with relaxed electronic listening music. Take “Whispers Around The Walls” where you can feel an emotional veil tugging at the heartstrings, its underpinned looping melody wrapped around a bass thud that merits repeated listens. 4TT’s ambient flow and production is a sublime retreat from the everyday. Elsewhere you’ll find 4TT delving into tranquilized drone sound-escapes (ie. “The Night Sky” and “Misty Day”) as modular bubbles burst in the background. Staccato bits and bobbles surround the faster-paced “Sketches On The Wall,” a reverberating, yet short lived, slice of life that is upbeat bliss. “Moonlit Sun” and “The System” both start off in atmospheric mode, then eventually cascade into downtempo flutter and low-riding emissions with finesse—the heavily sliced percussion reminds one of BOC’s Music Has The Right To Children as the moody rhythms are utterly impacting and nostalgic. Wayfield Asylum is quite simply a delicately crafted ambient electronic borough that emits a persistent ebb and flow meant for far away places.

Wayfield Asylum is available on Kahvi.

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