Recalling earlier times, miscellany voice samples, textured beats, and ambient strands drift to the outer margins. Dust particles shimmy in the wind, ephemeral melodies fade into and out of focus as a stream of dilapidated beats pervade.

Weaving melodic tentacles are stitched with gauzy & translucent ambient notes
Both 4T Thieves and Pandacetamol recently produced different sound stems for The Electric Home on the long-running Kahvi Collective digital imprint and a solid album resulted after swapping several files. Coming across as a subdued kaleidoscope—the color, range, depth, and focus throughout these pieces form a nostalgic blur not to be missed. Recalling earlier times, miscellany voice samples, textured beats, and ambient strands drift to the outer margins.
Dust particles shimmy in the wind, ephemeral melodies fade into and out of focus as a stream of dilapidated beats pervade. Both musicians clearly skilled at their craft, this album is steeped in rhythmic downtempo lava flows and is dedicated to La Grande, USA—which, as far back as 1912, had homes using electric powered heating and lighting. Embarking on such a trek leads us to a well lit ethereal amalgam loosely tied together with spatial consideration. The abundance of lively percussion and weaving melodic tentacles are stitched with gauzy and translucent ambient notes allowing for slightly tilted emotive soundscapes lost in time.
Where Boards of Canada influences spark and flutter, 4T Thieves and Pandacetamol have created audible time capsules on The Electric Home—each slice an echo of itself. Such a highly detailed, surreal and tranquilized ambient-electronic album doesn’t come by very often, and as a Bandcamp “name your price” option, it’s a worthy investment. Highlights include “Automated Systems Breach,” “Equinoxious,” “The Electric Home,” “The Hertz Lounge,” and “Virtual Vistas.”
The Electric Home is available on Kahvi Collective. [Bandcamp]