4T Thieves & Pandacetamol :: Away Space (Kahvi Collective)

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Buzzing synths evaporate as broken beats flood the senses; it’s a mesmerizing and hypnotizing collection of ambient electronic flutter for the next plateau.

Buzzing synths evaporate as broken beats flood the senses

One can find tranquility in far away spaces if we pause for a moment to let it all in. Where ambient echoes and surreal dreamscapes transpire, fuzzy images come into and out of focus; background beats shuffle about with low-pressure tones and bleeping drones. Rhythmic layers shift and submerge themselves in synthesizer realms, and yet find themselves directly in front of us. Our core transported by these fidgeting yet sparkling melodic pulsars, 4T Thieves and Pandacetamol uncover a whole other space, an away space buried in the furthest recesses of our memories.

The emotional surplus and surging waves of electrons blanket the listener as we’re transported to a whole other dimension. Audible photos flash in front of our eyes as we grasp at them while they vanish. Then, more nostalgic images reappear. The duo finds comfort in building these sonic away spaces, places that are invisible to the naked eye; places that bend and twist the fabric of space; transparent bubbles that burst just before we get a clear picture of what’s swirling within. And yet, within these darker corridors and softly rolling mechanical patches, there are microscopic photons emerging throughout. Buzzing synths evaporate as broken beats flood the senses; it’s a mesmerizing and hypnotizing collection of ambient electronic flutter for the next plateau.

Away Space is available on Kahvi Collective. [Bandcamp]

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