The understated yet piercing tones transport us back to a period of time when musicians such as Richard Devine, Proem, and Esem cultivated roughened sound textures and blended them with hypnotic rhythms.
Tag: Post-Industrial
Sinnway :: Nykloud Veil (Self Released)
We’re taken through deserted industrial warehouses via smoldering rhythms and complex sound design structures, which are reminiscent of early Proem and Arovane audio works.
Aelk Minsur :: MΩ Test Report (Self Released)
Aelk Minsur constantly mines for intensely textured industrial and electronic soundscapes, and he succeeds once more with MΩ Test Report.
yibai :: Hatch + Foster EP (EXILES)
The whole collection is a sharp and perplexing journey across experimental terrain that’s a step ahead of itself.
Plaster :: Macte Animo! EP — Obscura B-Sides (Textvra)
Macte Animo! is an industrial synth buffet of audio bliss featuring two tracks that did not find their way onto the Obscura album from 2023.
Sedatic :: Rhea (People Can Listen)
The ten featured tracks contain such a potent barrage of gritty electrical manifests that it’s hard to focus on any one tune without also associating with its neighboring siblings.
Room of Wires :: Decayed: 10yrs of Isolation and Collaboration – Remixed (Section 27)
Here, isolation and cooperation coexist within the confines of dark electronics as lighter shapes and shades lurk in the background.
Derrick Stembridge | Mike Petruna :: Cryptic Logic (Labile)
Derrick Stembridge and Mike Petruna’s Cryptic Logic is an easily-digested industrial album with atmospheric aspects. It is mindful of Front Line Assembly’s more atmospheric works, with dystopian and futuristic elements.
Testube :: self-sabotage (Point Source Electronic Arts)
The Testube project by Jeff Danos combines noise, techno, industrial, and glitch electronic genres into a metaphorical molten soup.