It’s vibrantly animated with each sample and through the measure of performance enters a high octane experience with every precise strike.
Tag: Live
Lutto Lento :: LEGENDO (Haunter)
Tracks follow one another as the chapter of a novel, each of them telling the occurrence of a spectacular plot of a rare intensity.
No Type :: 1998 called, they want their internet back ;)
No Type is a community of labels, an independent space away from the big platforms, and most importantly: a place to discover new sounds.
Tryphème (CPU) Guest Mix on Balamii :: April 26, 2021
Chromasy returns for another installment of his monthly show on Balamii. Joining him this time for a guest mix is Central Processing Unit artist Tryphème.
Somatic Responses :: Fract Smile (Welsh Modular Alliance)
A mind-bending modular electronic foray that shape shifts through dark cavernous channels and is a welcomed addition to our digital collection. A mind-bending modular electronic […]
Dead Circuits :: COSMONAUTS (Self Released)
COSMONAUTS is highly recommended for fans of dark hip-hop/techno, weird electronics and cinematic music or anyone looking for the soundtrack to a dark cold night […]
Bowditch :: Yarcade (Courier Sound)
This live session is an adventurous exploration through sound and memory, shaping an intricate dialogue between musique concrète collages and sound mapping. A vast assemblage […]
Autechre :: AE_LIVE 2016/2018 — Revamping the system
With the news of Autechre hinting at two albums for 2020 composed of “roughly 750 hours of jams” produced in 2019, and having revamped the […]