Asmus Tietchens :: Fahl (Farmacia901)

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A relevant and elaborate example of timbral experimentations in conceptual drone based minimalism music.

Asmus Tietchen :: Fahl

On the way to becoming a key figure in the world of structural minimalism and post-modern ambient music, Farmacia901 (owned by the electronic sound designer and producer Fabio Perletta) recently signed the new Asmus Tietchens for a beautiful limited physical edition. Next to other pioneering musicians in the field of formalized minimal-math electronic music (with Pietro Grossi, Enore Zaffiri, Iannis Xenakis et al) Tietchens entered in the encyclopedia of contemporary musical history with the classic release Biotop (1981).

Fahl is an interlocking sound apnea through continuous shapes, microscopic molecular figures, amorphous spectral textures, treated and uncertain acoustic percolation. The album embraces the most conceptual-intellectual or formalistic aspects of Tietchens fundamental sonic experiments. The more avant-garde pop dimension of his historical releases is muted to let the place to symbolic “formalized” music with a fruitful sounding dialogue between mathematical-metaphysical sound colors. Consequently minimalist textures and directional / aleatoric experiments are gently and secretly moving in a deep spacious environment. A relevant and elaborate example of timbral experimentations in conceptual drone based minimalism music.

Fahl will ravish fans of Tietchens most adventurous works, avid listeners of the systemic ambient sound sculptures and free “computerized” minimalist music of Farmacia901, Raster-Noton, Empreintes digitales, Spekk (among others).

Fahl is available on Farmacia901.

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