Yann Novak :: Blue.Hour (Farmacia901)

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A meditatively beautiful and subtly introspective album which reveals the fundamental structures of time through melodious, static and dynamic ambient motives. A calmly enveloping musical elevation.

yann-novak_hlue-hourYann Novak is a transdisciplinary artist and sound designer based in Los Angeles. His art and experiments are largely devoted to sound spatialization and process music. Consequently he has contributed to numerous installations (to various galleries and museums of modern art all around the world) in the field of sonic arts. He has published a handful of electronically-based ambient releases on renowned independent labels such as Dragon’s Eye, Hibernate to name a couple. His musical signature is particularly interesting and positively challenging. Naturally his complex textural experimentations fit perfectly with the catalog of Farmacia901 (a label created by the musician Fabio Perletta to promote what we can distinctively consider to be the pinnacle of nowadays abstract electronic minimalist music).

Musically speaking Blue.Hour frankly operates on the territories of sonic ambient music, approaching such a luminous fusion between meticulously done timbral experimentations and poetically moving sound references. Emotion, simplicity and tonal refinement are driving strengths behind the creation of this album. Those ambient paintings admit comparison with part of contemporary tonal music from Andrew Chalk, Thomas Köner, Richard Chartier and Celer. The processing method which controls the sonic events trough time is focused on micro-variations, movement patterns and sound spectrality. A meditatively beautiful and subtly introspective album which reveals the fundamental structures of time through melodious, static and dynamic ambient motives. A calmly enveloping musical elevation which is highly recommended.

Blue.Hour is available on Farmacia901. [Release page | Yann Novak page]

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