Fabio Perletta :: Field: Atom (s) Entropy (Farmacia901)

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The investigation of slowly evolving sound textures, passing from process-ambient drone music to a real-abstract sound painting, mainly attentive to spectrality and detailed microsonic sound structures.

Founder and owner of the independent label Farmacia901, sound architect and electronic live performer, Fabio Perletta is fascinated by new perspectives in experimental contemporary music. From a heuristic angle his production admits a strong exploration through creative listening, temporal phenomenon and sonic qualities of electroacoustic projections (timbral micro-changes, spectral waveforms and their contextual meanings).

With this new album, Perletta goes a step further in the investigation of slowly evolving sound textures, passing from process-ambient drone music to a real-abstract sound painting, mainly attentive to spectrality and detailed microsonic sound structures. Incredibly magnetic, neurotically inflected, this album reveals its own unique psych-acoustic potentials. Micro-Intervals and sinuous timbral motives intuitively remind me the tonal-method and microscopic sound schemas of Alvin Lucier and Eliane Radigue. Outside of its neurophysiological / phenomenological components the effervescent and radiant spectro-electro realms lead the listener into a rare spiritual vacuum and leaves him with a feeling of expanded awareness. Field: Atom (s) Entropy is a remarkable way of expressing and invigorating experiences that motivate a state of intense meditative-cerebral reflection and challenges the capacities of listening. Well recommended.

Field: Atom (s) Entropy is available on Farmacia901.

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