A definitive look into nostalgic memories created by current technological tools which also successfully keeps the consciousness at ease. François Dumeaux operates under the Druc […]
Author: Pietro Da Sacco
Mojo Rising :: On The Horizon (Cold Busted)
Via an astute ear for electrons fluttering in downtempo streams, On The Horizon reinvigorates vintage synths, bass guitars, funk and good old-school electronics and ignites these frequencies […]
Ambot :: A (Etalabel)
Intelligently broken electronics for both machine and human. Recorded somewhere between 2007—2009, Paul Ryttel (aka Xlorite) and Piotr Michalowski (aka Nmis) joined forces to create A—released […]
Valance Drakes / Cyuild Apo :: Double review (Luana / Clean Error)
Yielding various connotations based on who might be delve into these disjointed electrical tones, a data splurge unfolds from each audio architect and is accurately […]
το σκιαγράφημα :: Dinner with Alexia EP (33)
A welcomed and unique low-riding sonic manifest. To Skiagrafhma (το σκιαγράφημα—in Greek, which translates to the sketch) reveals five brooding dub spheres for Greece-based 33. […]
Syndrôm :: Earthbound EP (Errance)
Flickering back and forth between fragmented funk’n bass to more stripped-down(tempo) dubstep spheres, Earthbound elicits a high-energy stream suited for dance floors where semi-chaotic rhythms and […]
Faint Object :: EP (Lower Parts)
The rather obscure artist evacuates preconceived exp-downtempo notions and inserts a screeching cacophony composed of clicks, clunks and deformed melodious layers for perfected audio engagement. Three […]
Datacrashrobot :: PHI X 174 EP (Pripyat)
Transmuted electro that buries itself in a mad scientists’ laboratory. Romania-based Sorin Paun has taken on a few alias’ over the years, venturing into tepid […]
Cuttooth :: Cuttooth LP (4 Lux)
This self-titled sophomore outing is equal parts downtempo electronics and simmering inner-city echoes. A tangled hip-hop web shimmies into fragrant click-hop on Cuttooth‘s follow-up to […]