Eastern Europe has been somewhat forgotten, even ignored, by electronic enthusiasts. Britain, Germany and the US are the historic epicenters with the likes of Scandinavia […]
Tag: IDM
The Exaltics :: The Truth Remixes (Solar One)
Everything that is good about electro is here. The harshness of the genre’s almost draconian parameters and how those limits can be stretched and bent […]
Diffuse Arc :: Teoria de las Ideas EP (Caustica Waveform)
Streaked with summer sun the entire 12” has an airy and bright aspect. Electro is the predominant style, but not the moody side of the […]
V/A :: Grey City (ZCKR)
Grey City is far from ashen. Leaden clouds hang over some tracks, deluges of audio hail pummeling the unsuspecting listener. But that is just with […]
Datacrashrobot :: Inline Expansion EP (Bass Agenda)
Beats breaking, lasers beaming and noise bitten glimpse-melodies reveal themselves in dubby dark-knit matter. Datacrashrobot is an electro/experimental project of Sorin Paun that started at […]
214 :: North Bend (Shipwrec)
Rich, dark, bright, textured and a cracking record. In all music there are certain names that shine brighter. Some artists grab the headlines. This position […]
Tallesen :: Stills Lit Through (Software)
Stills Lit Through is what metal sculpting would sound like, if it could sing with each fall of the hammer, each bend under the torch, cold rolled […]
Guilio Aldunucci :: Spazio Sacro (Time Released Sound)
Without knowing anything about Aldinucci’s relationship to religion, his reenactment of its length and breadth on Spazio Sacro evokes feelings of both wonder and dread. As […]