IG88 :: Blackberry Light EP (Self-Released)

Gliding through stripped bass lines, trip-hop percussion, melancholic chords and an aptitude for downtempo layering, IG88 keeps a firm hold on songwriting techniques that are fragile, deliberate and spliced to reveal elemental strains of emotion.

IG88 ‘Blackberry Light’

Shifting electronic-shaped shoegaze to its organic roots, IG88 (aka Branden Clarke) sheds layers of now classic Telefon Tel Aviv styled rhythms with a dosage of female vocal extractions (almost parallel to Kloudbreak) on this new six-track digital download.

Gliding through stripped bass lines, trip-hop percussion, melancholic chords and an aptitude for downtempo layering, IG88 keeps a firm hold on songwriting techniques that are fragile, deliberate and spliced to reveal elemental strains of emotion. The Seattle, WA-based musician (with three releases behind him on IDMF and Summer Rain) bares witness to structure on this extended player among collaborators Mike Harris and Jenni Potts throughout the process. The resultant forces contained herein may not be groundbreaking nor earth-shattering, instead they gravitate towards splendid retreats taking you back to later 90’s experimental grooves meant to compliment local late-night espresso lounges or road-trips up the coastline.

Blackberry Light is out now.
