Ed Davenport :: Studio 395 EP (Autoreply Music)

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(May 2009) Autoreply Music came to life in 2008 with a big name bang, Dan Curtain offering up Space Politics as the label’s opener. Following from the minimal techno man came Confetti Bomb, and let the name not fool Seconds was a work of deep techno and not euro-pop. With the Summer of 2009 having now arrived Autoreply have something more to say, this time the Studio 395 EP by Ed Davenport.

UK born Daveport resides in Berlin, taking his influences from the city’s labels such as Basic Channel and techno pioneers such as Carl Craig. This two tracker features two lengthy transactions in the world of deep techno. The lulling tones of “The Ballroom” hit the needle first. Deep minimal sounds resonate throughout as Davenport sculpts a realm of bass and minimalism. Lo-tempo, this is a tack for dark clubs and late nights. “The Well Tempered Clavier” lands in different form as the beats rise and a lump of bass hits the listener’s chest, then eardrums. The dancefloor feel is unmistakable as Davenport raises the tempo to leave behind the minimalism of “The Ballroom” to give something that is familiar but well produced. The break is where it is expected, but Davenport twists his basslines into claustrophobic shapes and injects some synths to create something a bit more interesting than the norm.

Studio 395 is a split work, with “The Ballroom” coasting the lines of minimal dub techno and “The Well Tempered Clavier” adhering more to the techno standard. Davenport’s sound is unapologetic, and there is something to be said for that.

  • Autoreply Music
  • Ed Davenport
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