A two-part voyage into the sublime is achieved through a fusion of styles, expansive ambient sound sources, drifting synths, and gentle guitar tones.
Recent Posts
Lost Tapes of 88 :: “Testarossa” (single) and Lost Tapes of 88 (album)
The long time Brazilian DJ and producer Quizzik shows a new side of him through the moniker Lost Tapes of 88.
The Radio Phonics Laboratory :: Telecommunications, Speech Synthesis and The Birth of Electronic Music
Exploring the intersection of technology and creativity that shaped the sonic landscape of the 20th century. This fascinating story unravels the intricate threads of telecommunications, from the invention of the telephone to the advent of global communication networks.
Squarepusher :: Dostrotime (Warp)
Dostrotime strikes with bold tracks that are not afraid to go all in, whether that’d be with their explosiveness, intricate live playing, or insane drum spasms.
Rafael Toral :: Spectral Evolution (Moikai / Drag City)
This album sees Rafael Toral manipulating various sound sources to create a vast piece that goes through really, really slow chord progressions, but echoes with such wonderful textures and dynamics that it becomes almost transcendental.
Keith Fullerton Whitman :: Presque Là (Self Released)
The use of the standard music trifecta of bass, drums, and melody does ground these pieces in the familiar, yet the way Keith Fullerton Whitman has broken these out of their mold means what he is doing is still risky and groundbreaking research.
Constant Current :: Inside EP (People Can Listen / Ezhevika)
Constant Current unveils this five-track extended player with fast-moving acoustic acrobatics mixed with ambient streams of subconsciousness and timid melodies immersed in electrically charged layers.
WE FORFEIT :: Radio Relativa #38 — Mora B2B Leonid
If we love anything here at WE FORFEIT, it’s the blind following of ritual and tradition. With this in mind, the lads roped in their good mates Mora and Leonid for the yearly pilgrimage to the Radio Relativa studio to get some recording done.