Autotel :: The tower (Self Released)

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A mélange of diverse genres and multidirectional sounds competing for their own unique expansions. As a thorough collection of the artist’s sonic movements, The tower undoubtedly flows at its own pace.

Autonel’s The tower—self released in April 2024—maintains a subtle and subdued quality to it. As each track drifts by, faded soundscapes, micro-melodic tones, and sporadic clicks and cuts eases us on many levels. Yet only a few of the pieces are characterized by tempered electronics and glitch acrobatics, as there are instrumental stirrings peppered throughout.

While the relaxed piano atmosphere and ethereal backdrop of “March Lauttasaari” takes an unexpected detour, “Fatal” begins with minimal pulsars and ends with a flurry of precision blips and bleeps. Autonel’s range of audio work is consistently exploratory and deep into left field. While the shuffled notes of “Cachureos” produce rapid echoes and sliced breaks, the lively techno and instrumental funk of “Soundown” feels a little out of placein this collection. Luckily, the brief soundtrack motifs of “Collapse into the water” and “Dissolve into the earth” serve as a definitive closure to a fantastically dystopian world we’ve yet to explore.

As a result, The tower is a mélange of diverse genres and multidirectional sounds competing for their own unique expansions. As a thorough collection of the artist’s sonic movements, the album undoubtedly flows at its own pace.

Have a listen to Autonel’s latest EP titled Love Story where melancholic, solemn, piano-centered, and downtempo excursions expand and contract even further, available on EC Underground.

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