Atrementia was composed exclusively with circuit bent hardware, home-made oscillators, pedals and electric guitar fed through analog processing. Your memories are dressed in black. I can see them, you cannot hide from my lost eyes. What I hear are warm, analog noise and looped pedal drone balance light and dark, for day dreamers and long nights of reflection.
Tag: Simon Heath
Beyond the Ghost :: Neon Twilight (Cryo Chamber)
All I can find to explain what is here are endless crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes and motivations, a dark noir album filled with harmonic textures and creeping reverbs.
Dronny Darko :: Godless Land (Cryo Chamber)
What is the difference between abandoned and forsaken? Dark tension, pounding under sustained horror and tension. This goes on forever. We are tourists here, and can go at any time. Peering into the darkness, we linger.
Gdanian :: Induction (Cryo Chamber)
The signals swerve, trapped forever between electronic space ambient and interplanetary sci-fi. The final chapter tells the tale, but the various preceding tracks of galactic movie magic theme soundtracks also are each and all awesome.
Dead Melodies :: Memento (Cryo Chamber)
The emotional ebbs and flows are deliberate with guitar and piano speaking to our unconsciousness.
Mount Shrine :: All Roads Lead Home (Cryo Chamber)
35 minutes of pluvial drones replete with soft white/grey noise and sotto voce spoken word possess a mesmeric quality that transcends the reductive description herein.
Sabled Sun :: 2149 (Cryo Chamber)
2149 is a great companion of previous Sable Sun’s vaporous and bleak ambient synthscapes. Conceptually and emotionally this album immerses the listener in compelling and […]
Elsewhereness revisited #17 cabinfeverdreams
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging and blurb blah, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed ’n’ ’camp-ed up, complete with new companion mix, Elsewhereness revisited #17. […]
Sabled Sun :: 2148 (Cryo Chamber)
This album confirms the presence of high-quality standards in the dark ambient music galaxy. Owner of the essential Cryo Chamber label and leader of Sabled […]