James Long’s flexible and creative sound-scrapes have become a benchmark within IDM’s expansive realm of abstract musical—and non-musical—explorations.
Tag: IDM
Simon Littauer :: Modular (Katharsis)
Drawing from his over nine years of experience with Eurorack modular synthesizers, Littauer’s creations offer a vivid and immersive experience, where each track feels like a universe of its own, filled with rich, saturated clusters of sound.
Dessin Bizarre, Anderdog :: Imagine (Mestnost)
Imagine doesn’t merely present a collection of tracks—it offers a holistic experience. The sequencing is deliberate, guiding the listener through peaks and valleys, tension and release. Every sound is sculpted with care, every transition a gentle shift in the album’s dreamlike terrain.
Myoptik :: Depth Of The Ventricoule (Móatún 7)
Flickering beats cascade as stretched drone textures unfold and fade, while Myoptik constructs a colossal, abstract sonic avalanche—complex yet as smooth as silk.
Roel Funcken :: Data Curation 2 (EC Underground)
Whatever I may have thought about the interesting structures of the start of this release, I can’t deny there’s a special place in my heart for taking it up a notch and I bet there’s one in yours too.
V/A :: Distant Arrays Volume 08 (Satellite Era)
The Distant Arrays series comes to a close with its eighth release, showcasing for one last time, new entries in the Satellite Era family, and generally upcoming artists that would benefit from some kind of push like this.
nnirror :: destory (Evel)
Music like this makes the difference between production and artistic creation clear: in this sense, the generative substrate underlying these tracks is a starting point, a bedrock of naturally occurring variation that nnirror cherry-picks and spotlights with arrangements pushing the limits of complexity.
Ümlaut :: Un Être Humain Ordinaire (Audiobulb)
Sounds puncture space, and things float to the surface. It’s just another ordinary day for being human and listening to music when the smallest detail might make the biggest waves.
V/A :: Past/Present 2024 Compilation (Past Inside The Present)
If you, like me, may have been struggling to keep up with all the labels and artists you follow throughout the year, then compilations like Past/Present may come as some sort of godsend. Highlighting just about anything that Past Inside the Present have been pumping out in 2024, this compilation spans a lengthy three hours and showcases all the various shades of ambience that PITP specialize in.