Some may have given up dreaming, but not me—and three years later I’m more than happy to say that the patience paid off. Henry & Gerald take their rightful place in the studio and with an apparent love of Welsh mountains unleash Twmpa upon us. It’s the perfect mix and balance of classic Yimino and fresh new ideas that one might not have expected from the pair.
Author: Alexander Hosford
Pentagrams Of Discordia :: Deprogrammed (Pulse State)
Speaking of cults, it’s not wrong to say there’s always been one around a certain Scottish duo, and if you’ve been missing them then I’m pretty sure this lot may have done away with them, drunk their blood and benefitted from the proceedings.
Iris Ipsum :: Pattern Language (Touched Music)
With a first audition, what jumps out most is the meticulous attention that appears to be given to drum patterns across the board. Individual measures frequently singled out and attentively modulated to inject a great deal of interest into the proceedings.
Legiac :: Banisteriopsis Caapi (Touched Music / Phainomena)
I half knew what to expect, but was also pleasantly surprised as some of the most unsettling aspects of their work are placed right in your field of view; challenging sounds and structures…
Milieu :: A Spiral In Basalt (Adventurous Music)
80 minutes of ambient drone; one might think he had invented time travel as I clearly lose the ability to chronologically track where I am in the day.
FSOLdigital presents :: Mind Maps 4 (Touched Music)
Yage have taken a great bunch of pieces and turned them into something even more incredible, while scattering their own works (under the guise of FSOL) here and there.
Mōshonsensu :: Izanagi & Izanami (Self Released)
Once in a while a release lands in your ears that grasps you and won’t let you go, and this time for me it’s Izanagi & Izanami by Mōshonsensu.
Legiac :: Vespertine (Riddim)
It’s not that nothing stands out—it’s that everything stands out. If this was an exam I’d have the hardest time revising and retaining all the details. Challenging […]