Cédric Elisabeth :: Parallel EP (Self-Released)

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A quaint ambient stream that simply ebbs and flows. Five pieces are interwoven carefully, solemnly, and with precise drifting waves.

Copenhagen, Denmark-based Cedric Elisabeth (Paris, France being his hometown) revealed Parallel in February 2017—a quaint ambient stream that simply ebbs and flows. Five pieces are interwoven carefully, solemnly, and with precise drifting waves. Classic, relaxed forms are detailed on “Grandiosa,” a calm drone calls in the distance, silently maneuvering through just a few notes as it begins its expanse midway. With distilled focus and attention to only a few sonic elements, Cedric Elisabeth crafts emotional plateaus as noted on “Mute.” Elsewhere one will revel in the soundtrack delivery on “Revision” where eerily layered dust floats through a dense fog. The untitled “Sans Titre” closes in similar fashion—curious sheets of rain seem to highlight the nuanced background. Parallel is a focused and diffused ambient release with the opening track (“Excellence”) weaving its subdued and hypnotic trail for the balance of the proceedings to fall into.

Parallel is available on Bandcamp.

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