Culling Magic from Music

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After listening, consuming, and digesting all of the Neo Ouija releases in the past year (or so), it’s quite easy to say that this label has a solid outlook on quality electronics. Having created and released such gems as the Metamatics Vs. Clatterbox collaboration called Project Unison and the recently released Sense full length entitled A View from a Vulnerable Place it clearly stands that Neo Ouija’s aim is to satisfy peoples ears and heartstrings rather than to confuse them.

As the Neo Ouija roster continues to grow, so does the sounds and influences on each release. From Accelera Deck’s disjointed melodic electronics on Digital Headrest to Geiom’s Cut and Pressed, a full range of casual electronics is dispersed amongst a sea of parallel waves. And with a slew of new artists preparing to work on future projects with Neo such as Tim Koch (aka Thug), Phonex, Sica, PEM, Infant, Maps & Diagrams, Ten and Tracer, and Kettel (amongst others), it stands to reason that the Neo Ouija collective are on a constant slope heading upwards.

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With several of the artists, label heads, and friends resting in online chat rooms such as the Neo Ouija based NeoChat and the IRC channel that Merck Records’ runs called SlashSlash (//), it’s always a pleasure to bump into people that visit these places on a daily basis including Clair (DeFocus), Dan (Madvision), Steve (Twoplayer), Marsel (Delsin), and others folks like Esa Ruoho (Lackluster), Adam Raisbeck (Sense), Tom Churchill, Martin Abrahamsson (Bauri), and many others. With this form of electronic communication it seems that several labels have been able to keep in contact with international artists (and friends) with the push of a button, and at the blink of an eye.

Relaxed in the confines of his quaint home in Little Sigford Cottage (England), Igloo took the time to invite Lee over for some espresso and english muffins to discuss several issues related to the Neo Ouija master plan.

Magic is the formula..


Igloo: What was your one intention/mission for establishing the Neo Ouija record label?

Lee Norris: I just wanted to set up a label that dealt in nice electronica. A label that people could trust.. you know a lot of people get sick of label’s releasing different types of music like Warp for example.. needs to be a solid foundation instead of confusing people.

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Igloo: So what you’re saying is that, with Neo Ouija, your goal is to produce quality electronics rather than falling into other areas, styles, methods that tend to “lose” the listeners?

Lee: Well what I’m saying is that it’s nice being able to choose music that I really like and know deep down that others will like it.. I have not released anything that’s been shit on Neo Ouija in my opinion.. though some may disagree with me on that. I get nice feed back for Neo and that’s enough for me.

Igloo: When did Neo Ouija begin it’s mission?

Lee: 2000. I had a few releases lined up in my head, but the label is just over a year old. Neo Ouija is still a baby compared to other labels. Neo is really starting to mature now into something like a really good bottle of wine

Igloo: There are many areas I’d like to tackle in this interview such as newly signed artists (from the U.S., and world), as well as your sub-label Small Medium, your previous work with Clear, the latest material as Metamatics with Hydrogen Dukebox, as well as your other alias’ as Norken. As you can clearly see, I begin to wonder how you manage to organize all your (quality) efforts. You must have a team of players.

Lee: Well there’s just me running the label, finding the new talent and writing the music too. I must admit that some days its hard to know what to do. Should I write music, type out a contract, listen to demos, look at artwork…. etc.

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Igloo: Which brings me to my next point of clarification. The artwork on Neo Ouija releases contains an infinite amount of soft tones to them (i.e. Metamatics vs. Clatterbox, the Cottage Industries Comp. etc). I have to admit, it seems like the art and music are one in the same as far as appeal. And from what I understand, the art is done by different folks for the various releases?

Lee: Yeah. We had the same guy do all the first few releases. Then I thought it was time for a change, so I got another person in, then someone else…etc. These days I’m just using James Webb to do all the artwork. He’s my mate and puts a lot of effort into his work. I want to keep the artwork nice. I don’t want pictures that are like scary or shit like that. Neo Ouija is a fluffy label run by a fluffy dood.

Igloo: Can you tell me a bit more about how you sort your work as Metamatics compared to Norken? I assume that these are your two (main) alias’, the ones that people instantly recognize as top-notch electronic finesse. How do you sort the styles of both?

Lee: Well with both projects I try to keep them as pleasant as possible. I’m not trying to write music that’s designed to fuck with your head. I leave all that to other folks. I just want to make a nice sound. With Metamatics anything goes really. I have no idea what the next Metamatics track will sound like.

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With Norken its different as I have the structures all worked out. I guess Norken is textbook techno.. all the beats are 4/4.. Not in your face. It’s soft techno you can relax to, shag your partner to, have a bath to, and cook to.

Igloo: With Metamatics, it seems that you have a lot going on as far as released music. The Hydrogen Dukebox folks have shown a deep interest in putting out your material. How did this relationship evolve, and how would you explain your next release with them? (Spring Themes)

Lee: Yeah, Doug at hydrogen has always liked my stuff.. even when I was at Clear. They got in touch when Clear collapsed. I had Neo Ouija the album all set to go on Clear.. so Hydrogen came in and released it. They like my music a lot, really believe in it, which is nice.. so I gave them the new Norken album too which is on the same lines as the last Norken album. I’m really pleased with it.. the next Metamatics album is out on their label too.

Igloo: So we can expect to see both Norken and Metamatics coming out with Hydrogen Dukebox soon?

Lee: Yeah, Norken EP and album out in October and the Metamatics album in Jan 2002.

Igloo: What are your influences, it seems you’re very well into casually classic 80s styled electronic pop music. How would explain this fascination?

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Lee: Yeah, as a kid I grew up with Gary Numan, Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk and John Foxx. I never really liked guitar music.. was a robot freak.. loved all the synth sounds, really smart. I guess I’m just fleshing that old sound out with Neo Ouija and my own stuff.

Igloo: I think that the next logical question would be to ask about the artists that you’ve signed to the Neo Ouija label. Including Tim Koch, Sense, Sica, Phonex and the others. Can you tell me a little bit about your association with these folks? They are spread out all across the globe. Any other artists you’d like to mention that are working as Neobots now?

Lee: Well I met most of the guys you mentioned on Merck Records’ // IRC chatroom. Got lots of them to send me mp3’s thru it.. I liked what I heard.. and asked them for cd’s. They all make really smart music. I’m lucky to have found these guys and am surprised that no one else has picked up on them.

At the moment I have releases coming from a guy called Qeshi who sent me a few cd’s. Really nice stuff.. theres also PEM who i met on // and Infant.. a mate of Kamals (aka Geiom), he’s just finished his album. Most of them will releases tracks on the new compilation later this year.

Igloo: This is the Cottage Industries #2, called the Annexe or something?

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Lee: Yeah, I chose the name Annexe as it’s an extension of the first compilation. It’s really nice as all the guys on the new comp never appeard on the first. It’s going to be a double cd and single ltd vinyl. It’s a beautiful compilation and I’m really pleased with it. I think it will put a lot of the kids who appear on it truly on their way, It’s their break

Igloo: What other labels would you compare Neo Ouija with?

Lee: I dont like to compare Neo Ouija with other labels.. but if I’m honest I’d say I respect labels like City Centre Offices, Skam, Mille Plateaux, Merck, Pause2, Static Caravan. There’s so many lovely little labels out there.

Igloo: Could you inform us about the upcoming 10″ series of split releases on Neo?

Lee: Me and Dan (of Madvision) have this little plan.. We release ten 10″s over the course of a couple of years. The first 10″ is a split by Sense (Australia) and Phonex (Finland). The next will be Pliant (U.S.) and Ilkae (Canada). They’re limited to 500 copy’s so they’re like collectables.. the final 10 comes in a box so you can store them all nicely and sell them on Ebay for millions of dollars.

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Igloo: Could you tell me a bit more about your sub-label, Small Medium?

Lee: Small Medium was set up by me and Geiom. It was set up as a cdr label and we released 1 album called Plank and Hem. It’s limited to 250 copys. We struggled to sell them as the shops wont buy cdr albums I think we are going to fold it. I have enough to do with Neo….

Igloo: What does Neo Ouija signify? Meaning? Philosophy etc.

Lee: Well I guess Neo Ouija to me means new magic or new witchcraft. I like to think magic as I have nothing to do with the Blair Witch.

Igloo: Is Clatterbox still working with the Neo Ouija facility of quality sound engineers?

Lee: Dave asked me if I’d like to do another Project Unison. I think I can fit it in next year.. would be fun to work with him again.. that album went down really well.

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Igloo: How does your place of residence in Little Sigford (UK) affect the output on Neo Ouija, or does it?

Lee: It’s really lush here in Sigford. It’s nice to write music here and I really get inspired by my surroundings. I think if I lived in a city I’d be writing dark fucked up stuff. This place is magical.. a haven for some one like me who craves solitude.

Igloo: In closing, where would you like to see Neo Ouija head, and where do you think (intelligent) electronic music will head in general?

Lee: I’d like to see Neo Ouija plodding along like it is now. No big expectations and no huge let downs.. that will make me really happy. I think electronic music in general has come on leaps and bounds recenly. So many young kids with computers making excellent music. Like Sica for example. I’m just happy to be a part of their success.. it gives me a buzz.


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Out soon is the 2nd instalment of the Cottage Industries compilation entitled Annexe. A series of (split) 10″ releases will be panned over a 2 year period, and Lee continues to plug away with his own material operating under the Metamatics and Norken monikers to continually stir curiosity and funk into each listeners ears.
This interview, July 14th, 2001.

  • Neo Ouija
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