Justin Patrick Moore’s Negativland with Sue-C show review and Stand By for Failure Documentary double feature.
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p1nkf1re :: Red EP (Analogical Force)
In this sweetened half-dozen selection, p1nkf1re distinctly catches brittle moments of IDM, electro, breaks, braindance, and, more importantly, has fun with it. It’s the nostalgic sound of bygone days, brought forward to current day levels.
Özcan Saraç :: TON (Evel)
The thirteen pieces, broken, infected, and deformed from every viewpoint, exude off-center rhythms and fragmented beats in an unabridged collection that seems to have no beginning or end.
Taroug :: Darts & Kites (Denovali)
This album is fresh, colorful, and flush with innovative ideas that are recommended for lovers of challenging IDM, microhouse, motorik electro musik, as well as kinetic abstract ambient minimalism and ascending romantical piano music.
Orphax & Kenneth Kirschner :: Movement (Moving Furniture)
Consequently, we are immersed in slow-moving textured ambiances punctuated by aleatoric piano motifs and diverse sources of manipulation. In itself, the music tends to be conceptual and cerebral but beautifully enveloped by absorbing sentient waves.
Tam Lin :: bluelightnospaceflattime (Flaming Pines)
Some sort of obscure, magical ritual this is; surely an engaging one, as this Tam Lin LP tries to immediately hypnotize you as it begins. It does succeed, indeed, as you’ll likely be asking yourself what is happening throughout the entire album.
µ-Ziq :: Grush (Planet Mu)
Presenting an array of emotive tunes that show how delicate and sensible Mike Paradinas’ way of composing music, which not only emanates positive and rather light approaches in music expression, but makes a statement on how electronic music can be graceful and yet intriguing.
Fluorescent Grey :: Smelted (Katabatik)
The closing piece feels like a culmination of all that’s transpired as “Everything Is Turning Into Steam” scrapes up all the pieces in a slanted braindance/jazz assemblage and allows this release to explore a new chapter in the experimental electronics scene.