The eroded and surreal sonic manifests on qu4 carefully collapse and recombine succinctly, casting darker shadows than previously explored,
Kate Carr :: Midsummer, London (Persistence of Sound)
The way the drones and nature sounds blend together produce a noticeable, primordial outcome that is practically terrifying as Midsummer, London explores morbid emotions like […]
zakè :: B⁴+3 (Zakè Drone), zakè & Benoît Pioulard :: eve (Past Inside The Present)
Double review for zakè’s B⁴+3 (Zakè Drone) and zakè & Benoît Pioulard’s eve (Past Inside The Present)—proceeding to windblown drones and bells tintinnabulating across the sound field.
Morakh :: Helix (Mestnost)
Encompassing distant field recordings, nostalgic IDM from a bygone era, and the bewilderment of how sound can alter one’s emotions, the plethora of positive grooves on this recording are endless.
iNFO :: Parallel Realities (Touched Music)
The tracks on this release show such carefully constructed rhythms, with no hi-hat out of place, and each rhythm synergetically adding to the establishing layers of sound to create something much greater than the sum of its parts.
MichaAngi :: Erde EP (Adventurous Music)
Rough echoes and distortion are sliced into crumpled electrical sound fields that finally fade into oblivion—each selection an extension of itself.
Veelargo :: Sync Phoney EP (Mutoscope)
The understated yet piercing tones transport us back to a period of time when musicians such as Richard Devine, Proem, and Esem cultivated roughened sound textures and blended them with hypnotic rhythms.
Cathode Ray Tube :: Imperfect Vessel EP (Condition Human)
CRT distinctively combines scorched electronics and panoramic imperfections to create a unique blend of powerful soundtrack motifs.