2011 heralds the eagerly anticipated return of Plaid with their stunning new album Scintilli. Andy Turner and Ed Handley took a moment to speak with […]
TOBIAS LILJA :: Self-distance story telling
Tobias Lilja responds to a few questions regarding his background, production techniques (specifically his nebulous vocal elements) as well as the forthcoming Delirium Portraits album, […]
Five questions for Halbsicht
Germany’s Halbsicht Records answers igloomag.com’s Five questions and finds out a little more about this burgeoning imprint, its vision of quality over quantity, love of […]
Solar One Music :: Resonant escape through electro
Solar One Music have been making ripples in the electronic community for some time, and based on their output there has been good reason for […]
Five questions for DiN Recordings
“I set up DiN in March 1999 with the ethos of having a series of albums, all released as limited editions , to encompass the […]
Five questions for Rump Recordings
Jens Berents Christiansen (aka Rumpistol and Rump label operator), breaks down igloomag.com’s Five questions and unravels the history behind this Copenhagen-based musical imprint, its experimentally […]
LEE SIMEONE :: Weaving analog dreams
U.K. based musician and synth genius, Lee Simeone, is a master when it comes to crafting very deep atmospheric collages. His latest excursion; 2011’s twenty-one […]
Since its inception W.T. Records has been turning heads with EP’s from a spread of established artists and fresh faced débutantes. Recently Igloo Magazine caught […]
Five questions for Kahvi Collective
“Kahvi specializes in a certain niche target, the IDM/ambient kind of area, so there never will be millions of listeners, but I think that the […]