Among the cataclysmic beats, atmospheric debris, noisy elements and brushed electronics, Hecq manages to once again display unconventional yet coherent music that defies categorization. Hecq […]
Author: Pietro Da Sacco
Phylum Sinter :: Escape Key (hopskotch recs)
Cross-pollinating Global Goon styled funk with a side of Aphex Twin entanglement, Phylum Sinter keeps a consistent pace throughout these glitched percussive extracts in a […]
Maduro :: Terror is the Night (Octofoil)
An unyielding—if not unsettling—snapshot of petrified electronic music that simply doesn’t let up. Maduro has kept a prolific release schedule with Octofoil, balancing an assortment […]
Claethan :: Ghost Particles EP (Clean Error)
Gliding through each audio deformation effortlessly, Claethan pushes forth a solid EP of erratic electro structures. Jonathan Minniefield (aka Claethan—based in Germany) executes this brief […]
Nonima & Dissolved :: Macro Flinching (Section 27)
Where Nonima takes a more mechanized trajectory, Dissolved revolves around cyclic melodic loops and contagious percussive grittiness. Both combine forces seamlessly between each track as […]
Params :: Grids Grains & Waves (Self-Released)
While Params’ sound may not be revolutionary, there is a definitive pulsing trigger, clips and tangible emotive fragments that scatter about in an absorbing digital-to-analog […]
Rory St John :: Astroakoustic EP (Acroplane)
Erratic low-end, smoldering rhythms, industrial-electro, noisy synths and an extended surplus of sonic blasts form the basis for Astroakoustic. Rory St John opens his account […]