Params :: Grids Grains & Waves (Self-Released)

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While Params’ sound may not be revolutionary, there is a definitive pulsing trigger, clips and tangible emotive fragments that scatter about in an absorbing digital-to-analog wash.

Within Grids Grains & Waves, one can easily find a minimized abundance of vacuous electrical data streams. Manifesting itself in microscopic melodic slivers, articulated in such a way as to confound the senses along the way, Params’ use of calm sound escapes veer into more digital fields. The title of this audio work is apt in itself to give it all away—a well executed clicks’n cuts style not unlike what Mille Plateaux did for the scene in the early 2000’s filled with interwoven warm synths. “X Rift” delves into light pitter-patter percussion as “Dissipate” falls away via buzzing modular whirs floating in space. “Y Inductance” is perhaps the most rhythmic and memorable of the lot and unleashes broken data bits smashed together in harmonic accord. While Params’ sound may not be revolutionary, there is a definitive pulsing trigger, clips and tangible emotive fragments that scatter about in an absorbing digital-to-analog wash.

Grids Grains & Waves is available on Bandcamp.

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