Derek Piotr manages to contain the entire package with off-kilter vocal treatments that are abrupt and hypnotizing. A definitive paradise of sonic crunching. Experimental taglines may […]
Author: Pietro Da Sacco
Nimon :: Drowning In Good Intentions (Ant-Zen)
Not only does Nimon let it all out, he allows the listener to take it all in—a smorgasbord of infected drones, ambiences and panoramic distortions […]
Five questions for Bedroom Research
Matthieu Debliqui (aka Subjex and Bedroom Research label-operator) dissects the inner-workings of this multifaceted experimental electronic imprint—now in its 10th year—and offers listeners/fans some insight […]
Qebrus & Valance Drakes :: Unseen Intruders (Bedroom Research)
Altering perceptions of extraterrestrial experimentation intermixed with bass, signal-processing and a collation of tumbling frequencies Unseen Intruders forms a skewed perception of intelligent dance music […]
Displacer :: Foundation (Hymen)
A mixture of solids, liquids and opaque gases, each piece rattles effortlessly as a series of ingredients melt together in a fuzzy subatomic layer. Submerging […]
C_C :: Retro Action (Bedroom Research)
A collision between industrial, noise, dub and electro all tend to migrate around definitive analog rhythms. Controlled squeaks, squelches, scratches and scorched beats are collected […]
Qebrµs :: ⊶⊑∷⌊∴⊹∵⌉∷⊒⊷ E_P (Self-Released)
Bending and altering similar tones throughout, time shifts in atonal algorithms, almost intentionally set as a series of experiments that feed off each other. [Release […]
Frank Riggio :: Psychexcess I – Presentism (Hymen)
Hidden in lurking shadows of analog machines, there’s a beauty that lies within these seemingly eerie soundtracks. At times delving into tribal terrain, what’s in […]