Colin Dyer :: 47ram Negativ65 EP (Schematic Music Co.)

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47ram Negativ65 is an ultra condensed collection of scattered melodic mayhem, acid shifts, and sandblasted technoid assemblages.

A whirlwind of electrical collisions

Colin Dyer creates a whirlwind of electrical collisions in six tracks that would take others an entire album to even partially achieve. 47ram Negativ65 is an ultra condensed collection of scattered melodic mayhem, acid shifts, and sandblasted technoid assemblages that have no particular start or end points. The sonic maze in which Colin Dyer crafts is so jam-packed with ideas—shifting left and right with disseminating glitch morsels—that we’re left scratching our heads. Terminal 11 jumps in to stretch “damb loop” with additional voice (sounding) detail and doesn’t venture too far from the originals’ funked and fractured pulse. The entire EP is simply exploratory and mind bending as the highlight comes midway with “706172617397465”—its disjointed rhythm and darker industrial-breakcore elements persist with eerie vocoder-infused slivers. What a trip.

47ram Negativ65 is available on Schematic. [Bandcamp]

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