Not afraid of nostalgia and where abstract electronic music once took us, Sohn Jamal reshapes the familiar within unfamiliar channels and is very much present in the now.

A maze of melodic signals and fidgety breaks
Like taking a walk through time, time that has passed, and yet it’s still in front of my eyes and ears to explore. Brittle and broken, bass beats and tangled rhythms bust through a maze of melodic signals and fidgety breaks from Miami via Tokyo‘s Sohn Jamal. Presented in a three piece suite, these electrical corridors shed light and dark elements with its opener (“3.1”) offering a brighter tinge of sandblasted drum’n bass and bubbling modular mayhem. “3.2” (feat. Roiju) dips into darker shades where deconstructed braindance and breakcore flutter about with strains of analog buzzing sounds and imploding industrial slabs. Closing on a high note with “3.3”—a dizzying array of shifting lullaby breaks baffle the senses as it begins to recombine itself with swirling synths. 3 ultimately takes us for an 11-minute walk to reassess what we may have heard before, and to present it in new and refreshing forms. Not afraid of nostalgia and where abstract electronic music once took us, Sohn Jamal reshapes the familiar within unfamiliar channels and is very much present in the now.
3 is available on Schematic. [Bandcamp]