Damage Multiplier :: Damage_Multiplier (Self Released)

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The few, abstract transitions are filled with tremulous frequencies that we simply can’t escape from, and in the end, it’s clearly an intoxicatingly surreal and recommended album for late-night listening.

A new and gripping moniker to explore, the eight track Damage_Multiplier release is accurately described in the liner notes as “a combination of slow and heavy beats with industrial, ambient, and experimental elements. Wide, gloomy soundscapes, menacing atmosphere, and unprocessed sounds.” Not much else to add, other than to remark that these tracks are, in fact, extremely saturated, low-to-the-floor soundscapes descending deeply into a sonic abyss.

Damage Multiplier’s oxidized rhythms and slow-motion dynamics sit comfortably next to the abstract broken-beat and subdued industrial-electronic layers that artists such as Witchman, Scorn, and Scanner have cultivated for several years. Just imagine a surplus of these murky electrified patterns emanating from a distant planet to get a rough idea.

The album slithers about as a cohesive whole, although the majority of it feels like it was recorded in a single session. The few, abstract transitions are filled with tremulous frequencies that we simply can’t escape from, and in the end, it’s clearly an intoxicatingly surreal and recommended album for late-night listening.

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