If you’re in the mood for good modern IDM, Feal has got plenty. More specifically, if you want to put on a record and be sure it offers something valuable from start to finish, Feal has also got plenty of that. If you want a good amount of variety, Feal is where you should be headed.
Tag: Broken Beat
Damage Multiplier :: Damage_Multiplier (Self Released)
The few, abstract transitions are filled with tremulous frequencies that we simply can’t escape from, and in the end, it’s clearly an intoxicatingly surreal and recommended album for late-night listening.
Solypsis :: Sifting Through The Ashes (Compiled by Skymall) (Self Released)
A grueling feast of grit and glitch that celebrates 25 years of music-making—Skymall prepares an unforgiving mix consisting of blistering electro, breaks, rhythmic noise, and magnetized distortion.
Cressida :: The Flying Dagger EP (Shaw Cuts)
The Flying Dagger displays a solid batch of tracks that go as hard as the concept behind the project would lead you to believe. To match various fight scenes and the thrill of revenge, the beats on this EP do need to go rather hard, and they certainly succeed at that.
V/A :: How to Stay Conscious While You Drown (Heterodox)
Heterodox continues to stretch the boundaries of abstract electronics with How to Stay Conscious While You Drown presenting 18 tracks of crumpled sounds agitating the landscape.
Herva :: Seez (Planet Mu)
Review and interview — Generative by nature, there is still a meticulous attention to detail that Herva has by design, sought after through their recording sessions using custom built hardware and exploration and discovery inside coding environments.
Cut Out :: Down The Line (Still Heat)
Gestures hint throughout to folded layers of chaos that is both jarring as it is mesmerizing; like that of a gripping horror you can not peel your eyes from.
Carbinax :: Immuniverse Expanded (Self Released)
The melodic swells, hypnotizing beatwork, and pulsing rhythms that ooze with downtempo and glitchy production—it’s hard to describe, but always present when Carbinax is at the helm.
Farron :: Shinrin Yoku (Shaw Cuts)
Shinrin Yoku projects cinematic quality narration within this captivating arc. Taking off from meditative control, progressions soon lead through saturated percussion that from the offset may seem slightly unsettling.