Martyna Basta :: Slowly Forgetting, Barely Remembering (Warm Winters Ltd.)

A dynamic effort from a standout artist in Eastern Europe’s burgeoning ambient-experimental music scene.

Accumulating irregular layers of space and feeling

Martyna Basta now focuses her energies on more abstract forms of art as a photographer, musician, member of the PROGREFONIK collective and Radio Kapitał resident. In 2021, the artist released (and impressed us with) Making Eye Contact With Solitude, a suite of ambient pieces assembled over the past several months.

The artist’s hallucinatory compositions here accumulate irregular layers of space and feeling such that we are drawn close while exposed to expanses beyond our grasp. The guitar motif—a return to Basta’s musical origins—that grounds the title track, glimmers like candlelight while vocal samples introduce an undiscernible conversation accumulating nearby. Throughout the release, voice is layered with sparse field recordings and uncanny instrumental refrains—most affectingly, the Zither.

She just released Slowly Forgetting, Barely Remembering via Warm Winters Ltd, a record label and music studio run by Adam Badì Denovali and based in Bratislava. The album is a dynamic effort from a standout artist in Eastern Europe’s burgeoning ambient-experimental music scene.

Slowly Forgetting, Barely Remembering is available on Warm Winters Ltd. [Bandcamp]
