Five questions for Kahvi Collective

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Kahvi specializes in a certain niche target, the IDM/ambient kind of area, so there never will be millions of listeners, but I think that the size of the audience is growing all the time and continuously I get good feedback on the label and music. The label stands apart from the quality of the releases – which is exactly how it should be…” (Kahvi Collective)

Igloo Magazine :: When did Kahvi Collective start up and what was your inspiration?

Kahvi Collective :: The label was originally set up back in 1997 in Finland when school friends (Vae and others) wanted an outlet for their own music, and the internet was lacking these at that time. I (4T) took over the management of Kahvi back in 2000 and since then we’ve had a few site re-designs and have gained a cult status. Kahvi is known for its high quality releases and hand picked selection – we don’t release for the sake of releasing, but rather we release purely when we have something good which we feel should be listened to by the Kahvi fans.

Igloo :: Who were some of your initial artist relations and did your location help or hinder progress?

KC :: The artist roster is so big these days, I forget who the first were – but I think that I was the first artist to release mp3 on Kahvi, at the time that mods were popular (these are still available on the mirrors of the archive). Of course, famous names such as Esem have been on Kahvi since the beginning and still appear occasionally! Location was never an issue – the internet is global, and Kahvi artists come from every continent. (Visit the Kahvi Collective Discogs page here)

Igloo :: What were some of the challenges (if any) starting up a label? …and how did you envision the label to stand apart?

KC :: Doesn’t really apply as the label already existed when I took over the running. I think the main challenge of any label is to get the music heard by the larger audience. Of course, Kahvi specializes in a certain niche target, the IDM/ambient kind of area, so there never will be millions of listeners, but I think that the size of the audience is growing all the time and continuously I get good feedback on the label and music. The label stands apart from the quality of the releases – which is exactly how it should be.

Kahvi is known for its high quality releases and hand picked selection – we don’t release for the sake of releasing, but rather we release purely when we have something good which we feel should be listened to by the Kahvi fans.

Igloo :: What is your motivation in keeping the label moving forward into the next decade?

KC :: To get fresh music listened to by the masses. I run the label for fun (with occasional donations to pay for hosting etc.) so will continue to run the label as long as the music is appreciated and the fans continue to visit.

Igloo :: Tell us more about how you (and your staff?) take the label’s “sound” to the listeners and fans. Distribution, campaigns, live shows, word of mouth etc.

KC :: Only digital distribution – the label is only run by myself, there are no other staff members. The artists themselves help by doing their own live shows, Lackluster is a great example of this as he’s continuously ‘out there keeping his work fresh in the minds of the audience. Artists don’t realize that they get buried in amongst the other stuff that’s out there, unless they make an effort to be heard and get noticed.

Find out more about Kahvi Collective by visiting

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