Dark Woods is an explosive burst of dub-infused electronics that feels both intense and fleeting, barely giving you enough time to catch your breath before it wraps up.
Tag: Noise
Michael Valentine West :: Detach Now (3OP) — [concise]
The listener is drawn into abstract formulas and affective textures by patterns of untranslatable structures.
Well, well, well, what do we have here? “Harsh pop” it seems like, as if I’m supposed to know what that means, but it sure does intrigue me. And skimming through the tracks of this record, I definitely enjoyed the aggression and the really bright synths, so I figured that I might as well properly listen to the entire thing.
Russell Haswell :: Never stop
Russell Haswell is a 55-year old electronic musician and visual artist, most well-known for his extreme computer music. He currently lives in Glasgow, having worked together with Aphex Twin, Florian Hecker, Merzbow, Mika Vainio, Yasunao Tone and Peter Rehberg and released on labels such as Warp, Editions Mego, and Diagonal.
vcam :: apendula (Point Source Electronic Arts)
James Long’s flexible and creative sound-scrapes have become a benchmark within IDM’s expansive realm of abstract musical—and non-musical—explorations.
Myoptik :: Depth Of The Ventricoule (Móatún 7)
Flickering beats cascade as stretched drone textures unfold and fade, while Myoptik constructs a colossal, abstract sonic avalanche—complex yet as smooth as silk.
nnirror :: destory (Evel)
Music like this makes the difference between production and artistic creation clear: in this sense, the generative substrate underlying these tracks is a starting point, a bedrock of naturally occurring variation that nnirror cherry-picks and spotlights with arrangements pushing the limits of complexity.
V/A :: Past/Present 2024 Compilation (Past Inside The Present)
If you, like me, may have been struggling to keep up with all the labels and artists you follow throughout the year, then compilations like Past/Present may come as some sort of godsend. Highlighting just about anything that Past Inside the Present have been pumping out in 2024, this compilation spans a lengthy three hours and showcases all the various shades of ambience that PITP specialize in.
Luca Bevacqua :: Alpi Graie e Pennine EP (Detroit Underground)
Both subtle and saturated with distilled microsound layers, Alpi Graie e Pennine is simply otherworldly and comes highly recommended.