Listening to Stasis’ output from the 1990s, Quondam Sequences inhabits a different space. The earthy tones that characterize Pickton’s sound are present, but they are not central. Instead, this three tracker explores a shifting focus where new ideas and instruments begin to merge.
Tag: IDM
RAN :: Birds (Adepta Atanor Collection)
It’s a treacherous drum’n bass maze to navigate—where braindance, extremely saturated beats, low-end breaks, and explosive rhythms collide with the might of a fully-loaded semi truck.
Benge :: Polyrhythmic Electronica (System Of Objects)
Rather skeletal in nature, Polyrhythmic Electronica is mainly dialed in on the glitched out percussion from classic drum machines that sit comfortably atop squelchy synth bass tracks—best enjoyed on a night time drive through the city.
NOT_MDK :: The 140 Album (Wémè)
For this renaissance name, the style has changed: Steady 70/140BPM grime beats now meet IDM and evocative breaks.
Unterm Rad :: Unfinished Business (Point Source Electronic Arts)
Often paralleled among artists such as Richard Devine, Xanopticon, and Qebrus, the Chicago native tilts sound forms into a microcosm of glitch and mechanical gaps, exposing what is arguably the pinnacle of his discography.
Lovetrip / Oli Love :: Ecstasy in Sound
Behind an unabashedly bass-heavy backdrop, Lovetrip astonishingly and consistently maintains a clear palette of beats with a perceptible groove. Having listened to three of his albums on the Móatún 7 label, my curiosity has only increased.
AeTopus :: Cup (Spotted Peccary Music)
Can a story thousands of years old really reach us today? This is instrumental music that I find inspiring and clearly suitable to accompany listening with our mind’s ear…
Marco Simioni :: FOMO (Detroit Underground)
Another incredibly surreal album of cutting-edge experimental electronic music from a gifted sound design artist.