Frank Riggio :: gy (Hymen)

Through this seductive audio journey, hundreds of intertwined pieces make their way through in a captivatingly bizarre and masterfully balanced collection.

Uncharted soundscapes and exploratory spaces

Frank Riggio‘s gy defies classification in that it mysteriously inhabits uncharted soundscapes and exploratory spaces. His enigmatic musical universes are revealed to us within nine layers, with the opening track “Rare” guiding us into airy regions and evocative rhythms enticing us deeper into its maze. But even so, we can’t help but experience astonishment as Frank Riggio traverses fascinating landscapes and abstract electrical forces that all seem to blend together. On tracks like “Quantum Physics Find” and “Photons,” where decaying beats and rhythms dissipate, Frank Riggio deftly navigates through a multitude of emotive found sounds and layered noises that make it easy to get lost in their densely textured compositions. Through this seductive audio journey, hundreds of intertwined pieces make their way through in a captivatingly bizarre and masterfully balanced collection.

gy is the fourth release in the QU4DRILOGY series released September 14, 2023, with LO released November 14. Frank Riggio is a proficient recording artist, innovative composer, and skilled mastering engineer who resides in the southern region of France. within this locale, Riggio undertakes the creation of electronic musical compositions that elude conventional classification.

gy is available on Hymen. [Bandcamp]