A vast assortment of Mighty Force and Pingdiscs musicians line up with their sonic interpretations and what we get is a top-notch selection of acid-drenched braindance glory.
Tag: Electronica
Fred Again.. & Brian Eno :: Secret Life (Text)
A soft-tempo prescription to counter post-pandemic capitalist accelerationism.
Stephen Hummel :: Creature of Habit (Self Released)
Ten slices of blissful electronics, downtempo moods, and articulated melodies are front and center.
WE FORFEIT :: Radio Relativa #28 — LIVE @ Happy Mondays (Valencia)
From weirded wave into acid absolution and then dives headlong into some hedonism, even a bitta Kraftwerk in there.
3View :: BLAEN (Welsh Modular Alliance)
It’s no surprise that BLAEN (aka John Healy) encapsulates the farthest depths of electrical collisions; he’s been at it for over two decades, honing his skills behind machines and dangling cables.
Inkipak :: Slip (Touched Music)
The same core feeling is still there, but even in this short time, it’s apparent that skills have been built on, ideas have been nurtured, and flourishes added to round off what was already very enjoyable.
Enabl.ed :: OddlyMerged (Mozyk)
A pleasant release of relatively-downtempo noninvasive pieces that flow nicely and won’t introduce any stress into your day.
Lackluster :: Alley (Hymen)
Though the gear and technique have changed over the years, Alley still encapsulates the signature Lackluster sound. Fans of Esa’s work will feel right at home hearing this record.
exm :: TreeThree (Self Released)
exm finds comfort in lengthy, amorphous soundscapes from many miles above our atmosphere.