Hexalyne / Lain :: Evel 46 (Evel)

The tiniest particles and granular rhythms here are seductive and as abstract as ever, but it’s the evenly dispersed ambient threads that hold the disparate parts together so effectively.

Contrasted textures and fractured electronic fissures

The glitch is in the details. On this split album from Hexalyne and Lain, Evel receives 11 tracks—6 tracks from Hexalyne that spiral into control and 5 tracks from Lain that spiral out of control. We are captivated by the contrasted textures and fractured electronic fissures that the two artists create so expertly. The serendipity between the two sounds more like a Rob Brown and Sean Booth production than anything else as loose melodies flutter and squirm their way through a maze of disoriented beats and blips. The tiniest particles and granular rhythms here are seductive and as abstract as ever, but it’s the evenly dispersed ambient threads that hold the disparate parts together so effectively. Definitely recommended for Autechre lovers of LP5 and Tri-Repetae.

Evel 46 is available on Evel. [Bandcamp]