An other worldly assortment of sparse sonic clusters, sporadic clicks, and low-profile drones meshed with emotive/hypnotic soundtrack nostalgia pulling at the heartstrings. Sonic clusters, sporadic […]
Tag: Dark Ambient
Elias Zorn :: Black Meditation (Adventurous Music)
The refined charcoal atmosphere and scorched recordings emit a weathered textural hue where all manner of found sounds and field recordings are melded together and […]
Solypsis :: Anthropocene (Component)
Solypsis continues to ravage extreme broken beats, distorted acid, glitch, dark-hop, post-industrial warfare, and a propulsive technoid backbone. Decimating eroded rhythms in swift and semi-coherent […]
Alg0rh1tm :: Artificial Omnipotence EP (Teorema / Diffuse Reality) — “Oblivion” track premiere!
Alg0rh1tm (aka Serbia-based Denis Glavčić) continues to forge new pathways in the murky waters of post-industrial electronics. For the Artificial Omnipotence extended player on Teorema—a […]
Randal Collier-Ford :: Advent (Cryo Chamber)
Chilling echoes and sampled noises punctuate the sound architecture and come to boost the cinematic feel. The sound sculptures alternate deep toned minimalism with fuzzed-out […]
Maribor :: Cross (St.An.Da.)
Globally this album fits the category of utterly bleak power electronics and apocalyptical noise with dense, corrosive and nervous walls of sound, boiled in an […]
Ian Boddy :: Axiom (DiN)
The aptly titled release is particularly self-evident in that it is a prime example of an established musician allowing himself to express emotion effortlessly via […]
Day Before Us :: Embalming thy melodious tears (Triple Moon)
Once more there is a strong emphasis on cultural resonances and in particular on grieving post-romanticism, sustained by evocative and austere poetical waves facing the […]