As a career-spanning series of albums, not every Xerrox volume is likely to appeal to everyone, but it remains a breathtaking, timeless set of ambient albums unlike anything else in Alva Noto’s now extensive canon.
Tag: Cinematic
Nimh & Onasander :: Unveiled Lights (Fluttering Dragon)
Unveiled Lights’ tapestry of sounds will ravish fans of silky drone tones and spacious electronic sonorities from Lull, Vidna Obmana, Phelios, Steve Roach, Ajna, Forest Fang, Numina, and Caul.
Leit Motif :: Vestige (See Blue Audio)
The year starts in a good way for the chill-out vibe of ambient music and this album can already compete among the best of the genre. A powerful and oceanic immersion through sparkling tone colors and sinuous spacious melodies.
Tim Hecker :: Shards (Kranky)
Even though these tracks were created for different projects, Shards doesn’t feel like a mere compilation. Instead, it plays like a carefully curated journey through Hecker’s brooding, textural world.
Jimmy Peggie :: Dusted in Darkness (Self Released)
Texture is most certainly this album’s ambassador, but it’s not just experimentation with noise. There’s a lot of subtlety and continuity, both of which make […]
Beyond the Ghost :: Neon Twilight (Cryo Chamber)
All I can find to explain what is here are endless crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes and motivations, a dark noir album filled with harmonic textures and creeping reverbs.
Nerthus :: The Path of the Elder Ones (Eighth Tower)
Clashing noises, odd scintillations, cavernous echoes, and granular moves insidiously come to the fore to enthrall or ravish the listener in an intoxicated and poisoned tellurian or subterranean ambiguousness.
V/A :: Shade Rather Than Light Anthology Three Mix (See Blue Audio)
All in all, the experience this mix offers is, indeed, really immersive. It’s a smooth ride all the way through, with certain standout moments and enough variety to keep itself engaging at all times.
Drifting In Silence | w-berg :: North Sea (Labile)
North Sea is renewed with musically rich and engaging synthedelic experiences surrounded by sci-fi dystopian conceptual backgrounds and ecological-minded aspirations.