Out on the new Molten Moods, headed up by Jonas Yamer, the release comprises of eight compositions performed at the online edition of Rewire Festival 2021.
Tag: Breakbeat
Ex.Hale & King Rambo Sound :: Far East Connection EP (Specimen)
An onslaught of rugged beats and smoldering bass inhabits Far East Connection—a half dozen collection released with Specimen.
Temp-Illusion :: “Two Lands (Idlefon Rework) — Video premiere
Dropping this first week of 2022 there is a wonderful Idlefon remix video of a track by Temp-Illusion called “Two Lands,” originally released on the Pend album. Exploring the American divided society, whether by race, politics, affluence, poverty or any number of its divisions.
Serge Geyzel & Karsten Pflum :: Remains of the Day EP (mindcolormusic)
Experimenting with jungle and IDM strains, the 4-tracks span an assortment of creative ideas to kick off the new year. Inhabiting loose electronic forms and […]
Inkipak :: Inkipak (Mighty Force)
Very intelligent IDM, with lush synths underpinned by the warmest of basslines that allows the music to develop with ease and perfection.
Squarepusher :: Live @ Venue One (Birmingham, UK)
Like some ancient monolith, waiting for a celebrant to arrive and bestow its cultural secrets to the masses gathering at the bottom of the summit.
Francois Dillinger :: MINDFRAME: Cycles [Recoded] (Specimen)
With a dozen remixes to consume, Specimen have their ears firmly planted on the abstract electro pulse.
Serge Geyzel & Karsten Pflum :: EP2 (Specimen)
The duo manage to unearth a myriad of high-energy tracks that burst at the seams—both solid and shape shifting through outer realms.
Pera Sta Ori :: Throwdowns EP (To Pikap)
An explosive two track trip to tide us over, available on 7″ vinyl and digital, George Kontogiannidis’ Pera Sta Ori moniker (aka ΠΕΡΑ ΣΤΑ ΟΡΗ) drives his message of old-school, rave centered electronics to the core.