From shuffling rhythmic slabs to more aggressive mechanical constructs and downtempo funk, here we see HATCH in pure form.
Tag: Breakbeat
Eating Flowers :: Hunting Vega EP (Self Released)
A pleasant patchwork of blissful, simple melodies and layers of old-school breaks for percussion, riding atop cleverly sourced and amusing samples.
Utopia Cloak | The Jaffa Kid :: The Imaginary Museum 001 (The Imaginary Museum)
This record skirts the boundaries of ambient techno, each musician inheriting from past greats while adding their own unique quality and style. Simply put, a record to be enjoyed for many many years.
HATCH :: Archive: Vol. I (Section 27)
At a surprising name your price offering Archive: Vol. I is a worthwhile investment keeping underground musicians like HATCH (aka London’s prolific Eugene Rowlett) moving towards a mission to re-envision old-school bleep electronics.
Virtually J :: Autocracy Mage (Mahorka)
These are fine-tuned, danceable and energetic tracks for the dance floor, floor-standing speakers or headphone commutes in the dead of night.
LL321 :: Ballistics EP (Roulette Rekordz)
There are beautiful lines of haunting otherworldly melodies woven throughout some of the rhythmic fortresses, making this a very re-listenable release with a variety of moods and vibes.
Francois Dillinger (DET:roi) & Poladroïd (det:ROI) :: Roulette Rekordz
DET:ROI—contraction of Detroit, Michigan and Charleroi, Belgium. Two artists, and two cities, two visions that are interchangeable. A sonic drive into the suburbs of their […]
Storming The Studio :: 40 Years of the Future Worlds of Jack Dangers (Part 5)
Igloo Magazine presents a serialized, long-form oral history of the work of Jack Dangers, front man for Meat Beat Manifesto, Perennial Divide, Tino Corp, The […]
DAWL :: Born Abstract (Childhood Intelligence – Child Twelve)
For their 13th release, they present yet another true winner, DAWL with his debut vinyl of true to the style acid, techno bleep, hip-hop, breaks […]